
The university’s Festive Break will begin at 5 pm on Monday 23rd December, with all services re-opening 9 am on Friday 3rd January. Reports will not be monitored during this time, but will be responded to when the university reopens.  

You can find information on the services, resources and support you will be able to access during this time here.

Any form of gender based violence is never okay. 

If you have experienced gender based violence it may be hard to know what to do or how to feel. What happened was not your fault. What you do next is your choice. 

What is Gender Based Violence?

The Scottish Government’s Violence Against Women definition of gender based violence is:
  • Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring in the family, within the general community or in institutions, including: domestic abuse, rape, incest and child sexual abuse;
  • Sexual harassment and intimidation at work and in the public sphere; commercial sexual exploitation including prostitution, pornography and trafficking;
  • Dowry related violence;
  • Forced and child marriages;
  • Honour crimes;
  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Getting Support

There are a number of services both within Glasgow Caledonian University and externally who can help you.

Glasgow Caledonian University  have a team of First Responders who have received training in listening and responding to disclosures of gender based violence. They can provide information and signposting to sources of support both internally and externally. This resource is available to both staff and students. You can find out more information at the First Responders tab on the report and support platform, or at Glasgow Caledonian University's Gender Based Violence Webpages.

The Student Wellbeing Service have detailed a list of support available including support for different communities, legal and advocacy services, support with reporting to the police, and more. You can find out more and access these resources at the Glasgow Caledonian University Gender Based Violence Webpage.

Students can also access support through the Student Wellbeing Services. At the Glasgow campus this is the Student Wellbeing Service.  If you are a student at GCU London, the  GCU London Student Wellbeing, Counselling and Disabilities service also offer confidential support. 

Urgent Help

If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured, you can contact the emergency services on 999 (or 112 from a mobile phone).

Find a safe space.  If an incident has just happened try and find somewhere you feel safe. 

If you’ve just been raped or sexually assaulted, it is important to consider the possibilities of injury, pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), and whether or not you want to go the police. The amount of support and help you receive at this time can help you to overcome the initial shock and disruption to your life.

Please note that the services provided by Glasgow Caledonian University, and this report and support system, are not intended to provide urgent crisis support. If you have thoughts of harming yourself or you feel you are at risk of harming others then you need to:

Phone or visit your GP as soon as possible to tell them how you are feeling. To find your local GP, please follow this link.
If your GP surgery is closed, call NHS 24 on 111
OR you can contact

There are two ways you can tell us what happened